Monday, September 15, 2008

The price you pay to sit on the fence

Many people spend a great deal of their life sitting on the fence. Stop and think of the last time that you were fence-sitting. What were you doing or better yet, what were you not doing? The fence represents a mental place you go while you’re not choosing. Others, maybe you, call this their decision-making place or deliberation period, or the considering-their-options stage. No matter if it’s a place, phase, or stage you call this, it firmly located in the past. When making choices firmly in the present you would have nothing to consult except to ask yourself, “Do I want this or not?” The past is disempowering but more importantly, it’s distracting. The danger of spending a great deal of time on the fence is that the opportunity that you’re considering can slip away completely. If that happens you may think, “Alright, opportunity gone, no problem, now I don’t have to choose at all.” Guess what? You did choose, however you choose passively. Your active indecision and resistance ends up choosing for you. Said in another way, not choosing is allowing your fear to choose for you. Some people allow their fears to paralyze them, yet they’re going to have to be strong eventually in order to deal with the pain that results from a choice made out of fear. If this seems like a doubled edge sword, it is!

How will you know if you choose correctly? You’ll never know. Why? Because once you choose opportunity ‘A’ you’ll NEVER know what the results of the choosing opportunity ‘B” would have been, simply because you didn’t choose ‘B”. Thoreau said, and I’m paraphrasing, Go boldly into the direction of your dream and you will meet with success in uncommon hours. Our wisest teachers and sages tell us that our success is found in choosing and staying the course. Yet how often do people stop in the middle of the journey—or before—and change course completely?

A powerful choice and investment in yourself is to hire me as your Life Coach and watch the magic begin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How it would be when we ask the same question differently, like the price you pay to jump down the fence?
I am german speaker, living in Ireland so speaking english for over 3 years by now. I just discovered this saying "sitting on the fence" (translated: sich nicht festlegen wollen) few days ago and was amazed - that.s how I feel I choose to live my life upon today! sure I do make choices in every day life - but I never made any big choice like for example getting married, buy a house....
and I am wondering through my life how people make this choices so easy how it looks to me. I find sitting on the fence keeps me first of all independent, objectiv meaning: I do have a good view by sitting up the fence! But sure there is a price to pay even by sitting up and enjoying the view I will never really be a respected part of our society-because I never paid the price to jump down, the price they all pay by loosing the objectivity, the view and the liberty, independance to live a life in visibly insecurity, what scares most of people, and it does even myself every so often. But it seems to be my way to live my life, so far.
Any thoughts about my words are very welcome !